Sunday, January 27, 2013

Samba4Mac - Samba Vs Mac

Network Test Environment

Samba Server 

  • Workstation (XPC) 
  • Debian GNU/Linux 7.0
  • Connected to an Airport Express Base Station

Client -1

  • MacBook Air


  • Workstation (XPC) 
  • Windows XP
  • Wireless enabled

Go to Mac

Go to Wireless List  > Connect to Airport Express Base Station

Open Applications > Utilities > Airport Utility > Configure/Edit Wirelesss

Check with Windows/PC

Connect Windows XP wireless to Airport Express Base Station
Open My Computer Properties > Join domain

Having problems with login after joining domain - Wireless state

OS - Debian GNU Linux 7.0

SAMBA 4 Check

-Samba 4 installed

how to check if samba is running

Decided to seek assistance in freenode #samba channel

Remote Desktop -

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